Natural Remedies for Facial Blemishes

The facial dark spots are skin blemishes that plague many women especially in summer. It should be stressed that the appearance of spots on the face are not only related to sun exposure, both exogenous and endogenous factors can in fact promote the facial blemishes. This is the case of a poor diet or for example to malfunction or hormonal changes. Some commercially available drug treatments against skin blemishes that may affect the skin, however, in the case of sensitive skin. Nature as always is our ally also to solve problems dark spots. Here’s how to treat facial blemishes by using natural methods.
Natural Remedies for Facial Blemishes
Natural Cures of Facial Blemishes

Mother Nature provides us with so many ingredients that can prove to be extremely effective against skin blemishes, the only recommendation is to start treatment after the summer, towards the beginning of October. Here are some home remedy:

Lemon Juice Face Mask. Here is a facial mask specifically for facial blemishes lemon-based and natural yoghurt. Mix the juice of two lemons with a jar of natural yoghurt white 125 grams. Apply this solution on the stains, leave it on for half an hour: the time taken for drying the mask on your face. Then rinse with warm water. Repeat this every day both morning and evening

Honey Face Mask. This mask is particularly suitable for those that in addition to the problems of dark spots have a porous skin and little light. Mix two tablespoons of milk powder and two of lemon juice, two tablespoons of natural yoghurt and four of honey bees. Apply the mask on your face and leave on for 15 minutes. Then rinse your face with warm water

Hydrogen peroxide. Another natural remedy for dark spots on the face is hydrogen peroxide. For the application just dip cotton pads in a solution of 20 cl of hydrogen peroxide plus 5 cl of water and pass them on dark spots, being careful not to rub too.

WARNING: Although it is natural remedies, make sure that there are no excessive redness, in which case you should contact your doctor.

IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATION: It is advisable to protect the skin with a special cream for your face and not just in the summer. The lack of supply of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients necessary for the skin can facilitate the occurrence of stains on the face.

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